9 Nov 2014

Wishlist #16 Kitchen

As I now have my own flat I need to buy lots of new things for it so over the next few weeks I'm going to do some home themed wishlists and today is for the kitchen.
Wishlist #16 Kitchen
In my kitchen I want to go for the pastel colour theme, I probably won't be able to do it properly at the moment as I haven't got much money but it's what I'm working towards. Hopefully one day I'll be able to afford the pink fridge.
Pink Kettle - £29.99
Blue Toaster - £29.99
Pink Microwave - £54.99
Pink Fridge/Freezer - £1399
Dinner Set - £24.99


4 Nov 2014

Life Update #1

If you visit my blog regularly then you may have noticed I've been lacking in posts lately so I thought I'd give you a little update on why.

First of all, at the beginning of October I got a new job and I'm working late nights so this has left me really tired throughout the day and I haven't felt like blogging, I'm hoping I'll get used to the hours soon though. Also, I wasn't feeling too well last week which is why I didn't do many Halloween makeup looks but next year I'm going to try to plan in advance as Halloween is one of my favourite holidays.

I wanted to get more posts up this week but I'm going to look at a flat tomorrow and there's a big possibility that I may be taking it and moving out of my parents house (finally!) so that's going to be another disruption to look forward to. I'll do my best to get some posts up but I can't promise anything.

Also, it was my blogs first birthday on 15th October which I completely forgot about it and I wanted to do a little giveaway for that so as soon as I decide what to giveaway I will put up a post on that.


2 Nov 2014

Wishlist #15 Beauty Accessories

Wishlist #15 Beauty Accessories

Purple Tangle Teezer - £9.69
I've wanted a Tangle Teezer for a while but just haven't got round to buying one yet and they have so many colour choices, I think I might go for this purple one though.

Vintage Cosmetics Bag - £14.95
I've been eyeing this cosmetic bag for ages but I'm just not sure if I can justify spending £15 on a makeup bag when I have quite a few already. I really love the design of this one though.

Zoeva Pink Brushes Eye Set - £56.95
Zoeva Pink Brushes Classic Set - £56.95
I don't own any Zoeva so can't say how good they are but I've seen lots of good reviews on them and now that they've come out with these pink sets I want them so bad!

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