8 Jan 2015

2015 Blog Goals

This year I really want to get into my blog properly so I've set some goals for myself and thought I'd share them with you.
  • Post 3-4 times a week - As I've settled into my job now and got used to the hours I should hopefully be able to do this.
  • Plan posts in advance - Most of the time I either write posts the day I publish them or the day before so I'd like to plan them in advance so I'm less likely to miss uploading a post.
  • Improve photography - One of my favourite parts about blogging is the photography so I'd really like to improve my skills this year.
  • Comment more on other blogs - Due to my social anxiety I find it difficult to comment on other blogs as I don't know what to say and always worry what people think but I want to try and push myself to leave comments as it's always nice to receive feedback.
  • Be more active on social media - I'm not too good with the whole social media stuff but I'd like to get better at it and be able to promote my blog more.
  • Start making YouTube videos - I've been thinking about this for a while as I've been watching videos on YouTube for so long and it looks like it'd be really fun to do.

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