23 Mar 2015

Baking: Sprinkle Cupcakes

Since moving into my flat in November I've only just started making cakes again. I didn't have a whisk to mix the ingredients but my mum has now lent me hers until I get my own one.

Today I thought I'd make some simple cupcakes with icing and sprinkles.
4oz margarine
4oz sugar
4oz self raising flour
2 eggs
icing sugar

Preheat oven to 180°C. 
Measure out ingredients and pour into a bowl. 
Mix all ingredients together until smooth.
Scoop mixture into cases.
Put in oven for 12 minutes until lightly browned.
Leave to cool.
Mix together some icing sugar and water in a bowl until thick.
Pour icing over cupcakes and add sprinkles.


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