2 Nov 2015

November Goals

First let's recap on my goals for October:

Keep to my blogging schedule - I didn't do too well on this one as I only posted 5 times in October but I had to help my mum a lot and stayed round her house a lot so didn't have access to all my stuff.

Do at least one Halloween makeup look - I managed to do this one just about, it wasn't the best but I'm happy with it.

Do some exercise once a week - I absolutely failed at this one, I just find it so hard to motivate myself to do exercise.

Read the Harry Potter books and watch the films - I only read and watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone so I didn't get too far with these but I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and I'll just continue going through them.

Onto Novembers goals:

Decorate my planner with stickers - I bought some stickers last month for this and there will be a haul coming soon.

Eat a bit healthier - I've eaten so many cakes and sweets last month and I want to cut down on this and lose a bit of weight too.

Practice filming - One of my goals for this year was to start doing YouTube videos and we are now getting close to the end of the year and I still haven't done one. This month I'm going to try filming and hopefully I can get my first video up before the end of the year.

What are your goals for November?



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