20 Oct 2013

Review: Avon Mega Effects Mascara

My latest Avon order has come through and I bought their new mascara Mega Effects. The brush is different to other mascaras and I wasn't sure how good it would be but I like to try them all out.
Avon Mega Effects Mascara
The mascara actually comes with instructions on how to open it and apply but it's pretty straight forward anyway.
Avon Mega Effects Mascara
You just wiggle the handle and pull the brush out which you can see is a bit like a paintbrush shape.
Avon Mega Effects Mascara
Then you just apply a couple of coats and ta da!
Avon Mega Effects Mascara
This mascara is different and may put some people off but I like it and it is really easy to use and applies a good coat of mascara to the lashes.


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