30 Sept 2014

Favourites: September 2014

I missed doing the last couple of months favourites but I'm back with my September favourites.
P.S.Love Felt Pen Liner
This has got to be one of the best pen liner's that I've used so far and I have used this so much the past couple of months. Pretty much every time I've used liner I've gone for this one. It's got quite a small nib and it applies really smoothly so it's easy to do a thin line or build it up for a thicker line.

I received this in a Glossybox a few months back and since I finished my Vaseline pot I've been using it everyday for the past month. I actually prefer this to Vaseline as I find it's more moisturising on my lips.

Since I bought this album last month I have been listening to it pretty much non stop. I love every song on the album especially Don't Stop, Voodoo Doll and English Love Affair.
I'm so glad I bought this colour corrector. I've been using it everyday under my eyes and it really helps with my dark circles. It lightens the area so my dark circles are less noticeable and then my concealer covers them so much better.
My new kitty has got to be a favourite this month and every month since I got him. I'm so happy I was able to get him as I've wanted a Ragdoll for so long. He's just the cutest and fluffiest kitty ever. 
Cinnamon Bun
I never really liked cinnamon buns before but my mum bought one a few weeks ago so I had a bite and now I'm obsessed. They are so delicious and I've probably had about 6 in the last few weeks. I could just eat them all the time.

What have your favourites been this month?


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