11 Mar 2014

DIY: Lip Scrub

I've been wanting a lip scrub for a while and I know Lush do a few but I can't bring myself to go in the shop as the smell is just so strong it puts me off. Instead I thought I'd make one myself as I didn't think it would be too difficult so I went over to Google to find a recipe. The one I found was off WikiHow and most of the ingredients you would have in your kitchen anyway.
Lip Scrub

Olive oil
Flavouring (optional)
Colouring (optional)

First you put a tablespoon of caster sugar in a bowl then add half a teaspoon of olive oil and mix together. Next add a dribble of honey and mix. That's pretty much it and then you can add flavouring and colouring if you want. I added a bit of vanilla essence to mine but didn't add any colouring as it can stain your lips a little. Also, as all the ingredients are edible you can just lick it off your lips after.


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