5 Oct 2015

October Goals

I don't usually set myself goals for the month but after seeing a lot of other bloggers doing it I thought it might be a good way for me to try and get things done. So at the beginning of each month I'll set myself some goals and review the previous months to see how I got on.

Keep to my blogging schedule
The past few weeks I haven't really posted on the blog and I really want to so this month I want to try to keep to my schedule of three posts a week.

Do at least one Halloween makeup look 
I don't think I done any last year and I said to myself that I wanted to do some this year but we're getting closer to Halloween and I haven't even thought about it yet so hopefully I can get one done for you guys.

Do some exercise once a week
At the moment I'm not doing any exercise and my doctor has actually told me to do some to help with my anxiety and depression as it's quite bad at the moment. I'll start off this month doing some just once a week and then I'll build it up and hopefully I'll get into a routine. 

Read the Harry Potter books and watch the films
I've never read the Harry Potter books and I've been meaning to for ages so I've borrowed them off my mum and this month I'm going to read them. After reading the books then I'd like to watch all of the films again.

Do you set yourself goals for the month?



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