1 Jan 2016

2016 Goals

Move into a new flat - I've been in my current flat for just over a year now but it's only a studio and I'd really like to move into a one bedroom so there's more space for me and my cats.

Buy some lighting - As the British weather can be quite crappy a lot of the time I would really like to get some lighting so I can take photos and film whatever time of day.

Save money - I'm terrible at saving money, I can't help it I just love buying stuff but this year I'm going to try my best and start saving.

Start exercising and lose weight - I really want to lose some weight and I think the only way that's going to happen is if I do some exercise as I don't eat too badly. 

Upload a video every week - I just uploaded my first video to YouTube last week and I really want to keep up with it and upload at least once a week.



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