28 Dec 2015

Christmas Pressies 2015

Hope you all had a good Christmas and today I'm going to show you what presents I received this year.
Christmas Pressies 2015 (1)
My main present from my mum this year was a Tatty Teddy slanket. I've wanted a slanket for a while as it's rather cold in my flat and it would be handy to use while I'm on the computer. We found this one is Marks & Spencer so grabbed it as I love Tatty Teddy.
Christmas Pressies 2015 (2)
My dad got me this cute kitty cushion as it looks a bit like one of my cats. He also got me the Tokidoki Kabuki Brush, Tokidoki Mirror and Tokidoki Makeup Bag. I love the Tokidoki stuff it's so cute.
Christmas Pressies 2015 (3)
My mum also got me some notebooks and coloured pens as she knows I love stationery and I will be adding these to my stationery box.
Christmas Pressies 2015 (4)
The last items I got were these Tatty Teddy fluffy pyjamas from my dad and Tatty Teddy Socks from my mum.

I also got a nail polish set and some bath products which I forgot to photograph.



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