21 Apr 2014

New Bedroom Curtains

I think I may have mentioned in a previous post that I'm currently re-decorating my bedroom, which is so exciting! I've only painted the walls white and bought some new curtains so far. I'm going to have one of the walls wallpapered with a pink flower design so I wanted some curtains that would go with that. I'd been surfing on the internet for ages looking for some curtains that were pink or had pink flowers when I came across these beautiful curtains on Amazon. They aren't proper curtains really but they are so pretty and girly.
It took me a while to put them up as I had to keep looking at the picture, they don't look exactly the same but they do look lovely.

They also came with ties to tie back the curtains, I've just got them wrapped round my bedposts at the moment but I'm going to get a new bed soon so may have to get some little hooks in the wall or leave the curtains hanging down. Not sure at the moment.

What do you think of these curtains? Are they something you'd buy?


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