9 Apr 2014

Review: L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara

Sorry for the delay in posts lately, I'm currently painting my room and have not been able to get to much of my stuff but I'm almost finished so should be able to get back on track soon.

I may have mentioned this in previous posts but I love to try out new mascara's so when I saw the L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara on the TV I just had to get it. I bought this for £8.99 from Boots.
L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara
I quite like the packaging as it's pink and black and shape is quite nice. It has a bristle brush which I took a photo of but could not get the camera to focus properly so sorry for the blurriness.
L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara
I applied two coats on my lashes and it lengthens and thickens the lashes. It's not clumpy and it doesn't flake. This will probably be my go to mascara for the moment, I just love how much volume it gives to the lashes.
L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara
Have you tried this mascara yet?


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