4 Dec 2015

December Goals

Let's recap on my goals for November:

Decorate my planner with stickers - I didn't do a very good job with this one, I started to do it but then I just didn't have enough stickers to do what I wanted so I've kind of put this on hold until I get some more.

Eat a bit healthier - Again I didn't do very well with this one although I think I may have eaten less sweets and cakes than last month.

Practice filming - I actually did this one, I only did one practice video but that's better than nothing. I would have tried to do more but as I've spent a lot of this month at my mums it's been difficult.

Now onto December's goals

Make my flat look festive - I did make much effort last year in my flat so this year I really want to decorate more and make it look festive. I've put my tree up already but it's looking a bit bare so I need to get some more decorations for it. If I can get my flat looking nice then I may do a post on all my decorations.

Upload first YouTube video - This is going to be a big one for me but I really want to do this by the end of the year. I've got ideas for a few videos so hopefully I can film, edit and upload them even though I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing but it will be a fun experience.

Join at least one Twitter chat - I always mean to join the #bbloggers chat on Wed and Sun but then when it comes to it I always forget so I'd like to try and join in one this month.

What are some of your goals for the month?



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