1 Feb 2016

February 2016 Goals

I skipped my January goals as I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself and I did a 2016 goals so I'm back with February's goals but first I'll re-cap on Decembers to see how I got on.

Make my flat look festive - I did this, put up a tree, hung some tinsel and put some garlands on the wall. It wasn't the best but it was better than the year before.

Upload first YouTube video - I'm so proud of myself for uploading my first video in December and since then I've uploaded two more. I missed two weeks where I had flu but I'm better now and there will be a new video Sunday.

Join at least one Twitter chat - I still failed to do this, even after writing it in my planner I always seem to miss them. One day I'll join one.

Onto February goals:

Finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - I started reading this book around the beginning of January and I'd really like to finish it this month so I can move onto the next one.

Print own stickers - I've bought quite a few stickers for my planner the past couple of months but they aren't cheap so I'm having to limit myself now but I thought I could have a go at making some of my own.


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