18 Jul 2014

Foot Care Routine

I've been trying to look after my feet a bit better this year as they do get quite dry and get the occasional bit of hard skin. I thought I'd share with you my new foot care routine which I'm trying to do every week. So far I'm doing pretty well with it.
Foot Care Routine
Step 1: Soak
First up is soaking the feet, I use warm water and usually put in some foot soak. At the moment I'm using Avon Foot Works Comforting Soak in Berry Vanilla. I usually soak them for about 5-10 mins, I make sure to take them out before they start to go a bit prune like.

Step 2: File
Next up is filing the hard skin away, mainly from the heels of my feet. Depending on how bad the hard skin is will determine which file I use. If it's not too bad then I'll just use the sandpaper type file, if it is quite bad then I'll use the metal type file. I used to be worried that the metal file would hurt my feet as it looks like a grater but as it's used on hard skin you can't feel it so much and it doesn't hurt at all.

Step 3: Scrub
Foot Care Routine
Then I move onto scrubbing the dead skin off my feet as we don't want any of that. For this I use the Avon Foot Works Smoothing Scrub in Berry Vanilla. Once I've scrubbed my entire foot then I wash the scrub off in the water and dry my feet with a towel.

Step 4: Moisturise
Foot Care Routine
Lastly, I moisturise my feet with Avon Foot Works Moisturising Cream in Berry Vanilla and put some groovy socks on while my feet soak up the moisture. Today I've gone with some lovely ladybug socks.
Foot Care Routine
Unfortunately Avon no longer sell the Berry Vanilla scent as I think this was a Christmasy scent but they do have some others so you can check them out here.

Do you have a foot care routine?


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