6 Jul 2014

Wishlist #6

Wishlist #6
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

1 - I've been listening to 5SOS's two songs She Looks So Perfect and Don't Stop constantly the past couple of months and now their album has been released I want to get it. I'm hoping to buy this next week :)

2 - I love this top, the panda looks so cute.

3 - I really like the Batiste dry shampoo and I found this vibrant & red version on Boots which I'd like to try out as I have red hair.

4 - I saw this top in a recent email from River Island and I was just like, wow! I love the bright orange colour and the style is gorgeous.

5 - Green goes really well with my red hair and this palette has a few different shades which I think would look amazing especially with the different brown shades too.


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