6 Aug 2014

Giveaway: 100 Bloglovin Followers

Giveaway time! Woo!

I've just reached 100 Bloglovin followers and I can't believe that many of you read my little blog. As a thank you I'm going to be giving away two lipsticks from Sleek. I chose two shades that I thought would be perfect for Summer, Fuchsia and Vixen. I have the Fuchsia lipstick and I love it so hopefully you will love these too.
Sleek Lipsticks
All you have to do is enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. 

Terms & Conditions
Giveaway is UK only.
It will end in one week on Thursday 14th at 12am GMT.
Open to all ages (must have parents permission if under 16).
Winner will be announced/emailed on Thursday 14th or Friday 15th.

Good Luck!


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