3 Aug 2014

Kitty Love

I'd just like to apologise for not posting for a few days but I have good excuse, I promise! I know today I should be doing a wishlist post but I have something exciting I'd like to share with you.

I've just bought a Ragdoll kitty!!!

I'm so excited as I've wanted a Ragdoll for years and years and now I finally have one. I've called him Cookie and I think he's a cream colourpoint. He was born on 16th April so that makes him 15 weeks, 4 days old.

He's so beautiful and soft, I could just stroke him for hours.
As soon as I let him out into my bedroom he was sniffing every nook and cranny and found a nice safe spot under my bed. At the moment I'm only keeping him in my bedroom until he gets used to us and my other cat. I did introduce him to my other cat Lilly but she wouldn't let him get too close and then she would growl a little.
He's a very calm and relaxed kitty but he loves playing and I didn't get much sleep last night as he wanted to play with my feet over the covers every time I moved them.

I still can't believe I've actually got a Ragdoll, it doesn't feel real.

I'm sure I'll be posting pictures of him on here occasionally as he's so gorgeous.


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