16 May 2014

Giveaway: 50 Bloglovin Followers

Earlier in the week I reached 50 Bloglovin followers which is so exciting! Thank you to everyone who reads and follows my blog and as a thank you I wanted to do a little giveaway for you.

You will have the chance to win a L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara in Extra Black. Ever since I tried the Miss Manga Mascara I have loved it and it is definitely my favourite mascara at the moment so thought I'd give one away to you lovely readers.

All you have to do is enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. (Hopefully I've set it all up correctly)

Terms & Conditions
The giveaway is UK only and will end Saturday 24th May 12am GMT.
If you are under 16 then please make sure you have your parents permission as I will need an address to post the prize to.

Good luck and have a lovely weekend!


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