12 May 2014

Makeup/Outfit: Wedding Party

Yesterday I went to my friend's wedding reception so I thought I'd show you the makeup and outfit that I wore. I tried to pick colours for the makeup that would match with my dress.
Makeup/Outfit: Wedding Party
Makeup/Outfit: Wedding Party
Nyx Box Of Eyeshadows in green, blue and brown

The dress I wore is from New Look for £14.99.
Makeup/Outfit: Wedding Party
I think this dress would also be great for going to a day wedding. I was going to wear some heels but as I haven't worn any for a while I thought I'd stick to flats. The shoes are from H&M, I bought them a year or 2 ago.

I haven't really done any outfit posts before as I'm not happy with my size at the moment but I'm changing that so hopefully they'll be plenty more outfit posts in the future.


1 comment:

  1. your eye makeup is stunning!! the colours compliment you so well. id love it if youd comment back http://amyelizabethfashion.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/fake-up.html xx


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